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Mind Control

Danielle Saffold

The mind is everything! You control your thoughts! Did you know on average our brains produce as many as 50,000 thoughts per day?! Gosh, what do we all have on our minds that keeps our thoughts in constant rotation?! - Well, I can't speak for everyone, just myself, and my thoughts on average are pretty positive throughout the day, but some days, I am a bit challenged in that area. - Just like everyone else, I have my doubtful days and start to question everything that I'm doing and what I'm trying to accomplish because certain days are harder than others. I throw myself a pity party, over indulge in ice cream, and shut myself off from the world. I cry and get frustrated at times. I'm human, of course I have these days. But! - I 100% BELIEVE in myself and my ability to overcome those days. I trust my God-given PURPOSE and begin to pick myself up again! I dive completely into my thoughts and dreams and turn them into action and reality! God has brought me and trusted me to take on these new challenges ahead to progress forward trusting in HIS word that what is for me is indeed FOR ME! I believe that whole heartedly! - Next time you're having a hard and/or doubtful day, allow yourself to feel what you're feeling, it's ok, but make SURE you don't drown in those days. Turn your situation around, learn from it and move on. Remember, you own that power! - Blessings! ️

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