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Don't Compare


I woke up with this on my mind today and felt the need to explain WHY.


I work in a business that comparing yourself to the next person is almost an everyday act. You compare yourself SO much that you start to doubt YOU, and your purpose, and your talents, and what you have to offer, and then EVENTUALLY, you can't escape it! It starts to eat at your mind daily, bringing your spirts down daily, causing you to self doubt DAILY!


Today is the day we STOP doing that! Nothing healthy comes from comparing yourself to others, because in turn, you're telling yourself, "I'm not good enough." Yes, you are! You are MORE than capable of living the life you desire being 100% YOU!


We are all born with unique talents, strengths, creativity and intelligence! The way to succeed is not to insult or demean yourself trying to be like someone else. I'm all for having someone you admire and look up to, that's healthy, but what isn't is when you want to be them or be so much like them, that you lose, YOU.


I was telling an amazing friend of mine, I rather try and fail 100x than to sell myself down a road where I'm doing everything someone else is doing when it doesn't come natural and authentic to me. I refuse to lose ME because I've worked SO hard to get my self-esteem to where it is now.


Always celebrate you and know that success isn't based of dollar signs, but is based off your continuous efforts to be the best version of YOU that you can be!

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