Work in Progress

“I am allowed to be BOTH a work in progress AND help others grow at the same time. I refuse to wait until I believe I’m perfect or someone else has deemed me worthy of impacting others. I am un-apologetically accepting a life of massive growth and improvement.”
I’m ok with my transparency. The good, the bad, the mishaps and the do-overs. I’m human. This is life. Doesn’t mean that what I have to say holds no value or a few setbacks diminishes my character. I’ve accepted myself flaws and all and absolutely love the woman that I’ve become. .
How you make someone feel will resonate MORE in their life than ANYTHING you could ever say to them. I’ve been blessed to know that I’ve spread my share of love and light in this world, even working towards a better me. Don’t ever feel like you can’t change someone’s day and be a blessing to them just because you have areas in your life you’re still working on. We all hold that power and it’s a wonderful thing.