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What's for you is for YOU!


You ever feel as if you aren’t going to get what you’ve been dreaming of for so long? As if the family you’ve yearned for, the career you see yourself having or just the life you’ve envisioned for yourself, seems so far away? Well, if I’m honest, I’ve had these thoughts before and it crippled me. It’s not good for growth, but most importantly, it’s not good for your soul.


It took me to go through a few things in life to TRULY understand God’s calling on my life. I would run away from it, sabotage it, fear it, reject it, but still want it. Isn’t that something?! These things took place because there wasn’t enough belief in myself that what God had set on my heart that I could ACTUALLY do! “No one will listen to me. There are a million fitness influencers out there, who are you? No one actually wants to see me succeed.” Can you believe I spoke to myself this way?! The woman I am today, it’s hard to believe, but honestly this was apart of my journey. Fear will have you all over the place. -


Once I became planted in God’s word and his purpose on my life (because Lord knows I couldn’t escape it even if I tried, He kept placing it DIRECTLY in front of me), I began to execute, with fear at first, but soon enough the confidence in knowing that I can do all things came upon me. It’s the most incredible feeling in the world to know that you are walking in what you’re called to do! -


Moral of the story is this: WHATS FOR YOU, IS FOR YOU! There’s no perfect time, age, setting or reason. Your purpose is your purpose! His plan for your life has been set, it’s just up to us to follow through and do the work! It’s been ours all along. Speak life, love and light into your life, KNOW that you are capable and you WILL have all that you desire. The time to stop doubting yourself is now! I dare you to tap into that gift that is only yours and watch how beautiful your life unfolds. -


Be great

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